Zion's best lodging for every occasion
Tree of Life Labyrinth at
Zion Red Rock

Photo Credit: @davidwest
Zion Red Rock's labyrinth known as the 'Tree Of Life Labyrinth'. The symbol of a labyrinth around the world can be a representation of your journey in life. Zion Red Rock's labyrinth is a unique and powerful activity you can experience with your friends and family during your visit that is private for our Zion Red Rock guests.

Tree of Life Labyrinth
The Labyrinth is recognized around the world as a metaphor for one’s journey through life. It can be a sacred and spiritual opportunity to feel one’s unique purpose and life potential; receive answers to life's questions, honor those who went before; and connect with God and the Universe. Stepping into the Labyrinth represents the beginning of one’s journey from the past into the future.
Zion Red Rock's Labyrinth is in the shape of a tree. The bottom paths represent roots. Strong roots, create strong trees. Each root can represent a family member, friend, or special person in one’s life. One’s life and legacy are among the greatest of gifts and can impact generations. The tree’s outer circle and leaves placed on the four quarters of the circle represent time. Each person is represented by the path and the reality that one only has so much time. Each quarter of time is represented by a word of action.
12 o’clock represents JOY
3 o’clock represents PEACE
6 o’clock represents GOD AND THE UNIVERSE
9 o’clock represents LIGHT
The center represents LOVE
Walking Your Path
As you walk on your path, pondering the words of action and centering yourself with God and the Universe, may you discover more Light, Joy, Peace, and Love in your own life creating a stronger legacy for those around you. Your path is unique and beautiful. As you enjoy being in nature, may you better understand your own Divine Nature. Remember, as you commence, to Look Up, see the Light, honor your journey and the many varied views, and lessons learned along the way. Let your past be your light post. In your mind, honor and walk with those that have been part of your journey. As you arrive in the center, ground yourself. Pause. Think. Feel Joy. Feel Peace. Feel Love. Feel Light. Feel Nature. Feel Beauty. Feel God and the Universe. Ponder. Ask. Wait. Listen for answers to continue your legacy.
Questions to Ponder
What gifts can I share with those around me to help bring JOY into their lives and the world around me?
What is my life’s legacy? Feel PEACE in your purpose.
What relationships can I strengthen with LOVE?
Who has brought LIGHT in my life and how can I reflect that same light to those around me?
What commitments can I make with God and the Universe?
As you walk out of the Labyrinth, remember your experience and the answers that have come through your life’s journey.
There is only one YOU in the world and YOU are important. Your impact is great. The worth of one soul is great in the sight of God and the Universe.